Create an application that allows the management
of a paid parking chain and customers track in
order to receive various promotional offers.
A parking lot can have one or more entrances, it
is divided into zones and each area has information
about the number of parking spaces and their type
(small car, bus, …). At the entrance in the parking
lot, information related to the car number is
collected and the entry time and also at exit the
exit time. Customers can have subscription or use
the parking lot occasionally.
Create a program that allows:
Configuring a parking lot and adding it to a
parking chain (configuration can be done by
reading a text file)
Obtaining information about a parking lot,
occupancy rate at the moment
Offering a discount to occasional customers
who have used the parking lot at least 10 times
the next time
Display information about the gain of one day
of a parking lot according to the types of cars
/ the number of cars that have a subscription
that used the parking lot
All the data used persists in such a way that
in order to run successively, the information
is not lost
Create the class diagram for the proposed
The homework solution will also be presented at
the laboratory.
- Class Diagram - 10 points
- Code Management - 10 points
- Homework presentation - 10 points
- Parking configuration - 10 points
- Occupancy Rate - 10 points
- Parking efficiency - 10 points
- Discount - 10 points
- Persistence - 10 points
- Documentation - 10 points
- Default point - 10 points