HW02 Scaling by orders of magnitude ================================================================================ First part: of this homework aims to improve your ability to scale over [very, very] large domains. For this you are required to write a [comprehensive] paragraph that describes the scale for 2 out of this 4 following scientific results. Also propose 2 more of your own for a total of 4. 1. Researchers at Institut national de la recherche scientifique - INRS have developed what they call T-CUP: the world's fastest camera, capable of capturing ten trillion frames per second. This new camera literally makes it possible to freeze time to see phenomena -- and even light! -- in extremely slow motion. How fast is that? 2. LIGO's Interferometer can measure how much space-time contracts and expands when exposed to gravitational waves https://www.ligo.caltech.edu/page/ligos-ifo . How small is that? 3. To produce fusion power one must heat up plasma to temperatures hotter then the ones on the Sun http://www.psfc.mit.edu/research/topics/sparc. How hot is that? 4. "Every two seconds, sensors measuring the United States' electrical grid collect 3 petabytes of data – the equivalent of 3 million gigabytes. Data analysis on that scale is a challenge when crucial information is stored in an inaccessible database." Bring this numbers "down to earth" Build comparisons with "real world"/ordinary and common units of measure in one paragraph each (4 in total 2 from above + 2 of your own) Second part: Attached you will find a simulator that mimics the way EDSAC worked. You are to read the manual (40+ pages), install the simulator, and write a code. For minimum credit you should be able to modify the "Hello World!" program and make it display your initial on the screen. This is the lengthy part of the HW!